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from Nature Commission

New Premises for Nature Commission

The Nature Commission has relocated to out-of-town premises near to La Garenne Nature Reserve in St Sampson’s.

Formerly based in St Peter Port, the Nature Commission is growing as an organisation and this new premises allows for the charity to expand further.

With one large office, two smaller offices, a meeting room and parking, Lisia House, Rue à Chiens, St Sampson’s provides improved accessibility and space for volunteers, interns and members of the public to play a larger part in the work of the Nature Commission.

The Nature Commission has grown since the first employed staff began on 1st August 2023; this increase in number of staff and workload meant that the town office became too small for the outdoor equipment needed by this environmental charity.   

Equipment for citizen science projects such as ropes for marking transects, quadrats and identification guides, as well as school resources including clipboards, viewing pots, folding tables and many natural history books take up a lot of space so a larger, more suitable building was needed.

Angela Salmon, Nature Commission, said:

‘’Our new office which is so close to a nature reserve is the perfect location for the Nature Commission. We are looking forward to welcoming people to this building and creating a hub for nature.’’




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